100% Biker 218
March can be an unexciting month; not quite winter, not quite spring. But
did you know that 1 st March is Beer Day in Iceland, 13th March is L Rob
Hubbard’s birthday, 20th March is Great American Meatout Day (we had to
look that one up and we were a bit worried about the results, but it turns
out it’s a day to persuade people to give up eating meat) and 27th March is
International Whiskey Day? So if you’re a drunken vegetarian Scientologist,
March is a bit of a knees up for you.
The rest of us have #218 of the best custom motorcycle magazine in the
world to compensate. This issue we have the latest build from twice World
Champion Fred ‘Krugger’ Bertrand; Mainhattan Choppers’ Street Bob
chopper; a BSA A10 that came back from the almost-dead to be a racer; first
time builds from young builders in the shape of a Royal Enfield and a
Kawasaki Z650; a proper old school chop from Rolling Art Motorcycles and
the culmination of Li’l Mark’s mighty MZ project. Just because it’s winter
doesn’t mean we’re not out and about – at Motor Bike Expo, Savages MC’s
Test Valley Show, Drink Drop and Doss Rally, Dawlish Bike & Trike Show,
Oxford’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride and the Motorcycle Trade Expo.
There’s a special nod to Youthbike and some bicycles as well as all the usual
good stuff. Cheers!